
Madalina Radulescu (Romania)
Coach ICF PCC / Mentor
English, Romanian
Personal profile:
There are 20 years now since she practices leadership, initially as a banker (BRD Societe Generale si ING Bank), then as an HR professional (ING Bank), and then as entrepreneur (Kuib Restaurant, Fun Training). For 3 years, she was part of the ING Retail Banking Board of directors. She has an experience of more than 7 years in coaching working with individuals but also with teams on the leadership and team development topics and subthemes.
The variety of jobs (in retail and in corporate, in operations and in business development, in HR), the sequence of corporate – entrepreneurship, as well as working in multinational teams, all of these helped her to develop the capacity to adapt and the flexibility in approach. By practicing professional coaching, she strongly trained her capacity to observe and be actively present. This is why she considers herself an eclectic coach, as she thinks in this process what matters is the client not a particular method but THE method on the context.
She can be your guide on yourself discovery journey! All it is needed, is your will and decision. With joy and perseverance she can help you to identify the connection between your values, your mindset and capacity to take decision, as well as your behaviors, in order to ease your professional evolution.
And, if you are part of a team, it is even more awesome, as she can be your guide throughout the whole phases of your team shaping. She pursues and work with the dynamics of the relationships among the team members so that, together, you are stronger.
Coaching specialisations:
- Systemic Coaching
- Evolutionary Coaching
Clients (industry) :
- Agribusiness, Banking, Real Estate, Romanian Entrepreneurs, Retail, Pharma