Archiwum: Zespół

Paweł Sopkowski

03 marzec 2021

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Paweł Sopkowski Prezes Zarządu CoachWise S.A. Principal Coach CoachWise™ / Mentor / Konsultant Profil zawodowy: Executive coach, mentor, twórca i lider CoachWise S.A. Współzałożyciel polskiego oddziału International Coach Federation (ICF) oraz Izby Coachingu. Współpracuje z kadrą kierowniczą wyższego szczebla. Wspiera w rozwoju przywództwa osobistego i zawodowego, budowaniu wizji, strategii, współpracy oraz wdrażaniu zmian i rozwiązywaniu […]

Bart Romanow

01 kwiecień 2021

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Bart Romanow Coach ICF PCC / Trener Profil zawodowy: Coach i trener z ponad 20 letnim doświadczeniem w zarządzaniu, szkoleniu liderów, coachingu biznesowym i rozwijaniu organizacji. Pracuje zarówno z międzynarodowymi firmami, jak i z małymi, innowacyjnymi start-upami.  Sam jest liderem i przedsiębiorcą. Prowadził kilka firm w różnych sektorach. W latach 2008-2016 stworzył od podstaw dział […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Vincenzo Ponterio (Italy) Coach ICF PCC / Mentor Languages: Italian, English Personal profile: Before becoming a professional coach, Vincenzo was a manager and entrepreneur. After an important experience as director of the sales and marketing division at the Mediaset Group in Milan, he developed the first Italian B&B tourism network and held the chair of […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Rudolf VACO (Czech Republic, Slovakia) Coach ICF PCC / Mentor Languages: English, Czech, Slovak Personal profile: Rudolf is internationally certified coach that comes from executive environment. He gained vast amount of experience with leading people. For 20 years he successfully worked in two from the Top 5 global consumer goods companies. Rudolf played numerous leadership […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Pilar Cabral Majerovic (Croatia) Coach ICF ACC / Mentor Languages: English, French, German, Croatian & Italian, she coaches in English, French & Croatian Personal profile: Pilar is an executive business and team coach, coaching trainer, mentor and leadership lecturer. She is an Erickson International certified coach and is ACC accredited by the International Coaching Federation […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Leonard Manea (Romania) Coach ICF PCC / Mentor Languages: English, Romanian Personal profile: Leonard is internationally certified senior coach that comes from corporate and entrepreneurial environment. He has 15 years executive positions in branches of multinational corporations with responsibilities such as: administrative, company development, sales, human resources, networks development, regional project coordination – Country Manager […]

Katarzyna Dujanowicz

18 maj 2021

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Katarzyna Dujanowicz Coach ICF MCC / Mentor / Trener Profil zawodowy: Coach, trener i mentor specjalizujący się  w tematach dotyczących przywództwa, zarządzania zespołem, wspierania organizacji w procesach zmiany, a szczególnie we wdrożeniu  coachingu i mentoringu organizacyjnego łączącego elementy pracy zespołowej i indywidualnej. Pracuje z coachami nad rozwojem ich kompetencji  i doskonaleniu stylu coachingowego. Posiada kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie menedżerskie i […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Daniela Kissova (Bulgaria) Coach ICF PCC / Mentor Languages: English, Russian, Bulgarian Personal profile: Daniela is an internationally certified coach that comes from energy sector environment and international project management. She has business experience in two US Fortune 500 Companies in the energy sector in the roles of commercial management and corporate sustainability. As a […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Nicola Tornaletti (Italy)       Coach ICF PCC / Mentor Languages: Italian and English – fluent, French and Spanish – school level Personal profile: Nicola has more than 10 years experience as a coach & mentor, with more than 2000 business coaching hours. In his corporate career with Unilever (1989-2005) and Fiorucci (2005-2008) he worked in 3 […]

Coachwise - warsztaty | szkolenia | coaching

Madalina Radulescu (Romania)        Coach ICF PCC / Mentor Languages: English, Romanian Personal profile: There are 20 years now since she practices leadership, initially as a banker (BRD Societe Generale si ING Bank), then as an HR professional (ING Bank), and then as entrepreneur (Kuib Restaurant, Fun Training). For 3 years, she was part of the […]